HELLO SCHOOL BOARD—Some ideas to help you persuade your school board trustees to listen to you
Your Homework: 1.
Study Trustee “bios” on District website. Know professions, political parties, dates when Trustees are up for re-election.
Which Trustee works for you? Learn Trustee “District” boundaries. (School boundaries are not the same).
Send email, call Board secretary and with your request to meet with your Trustee in person. Don’t go alone. Present your (organized) concerns and ask your Trustee to put your request on the next Board Meeting Agenda. Take notes. Send a thank you note. Follow up with summary of meeting to trustee.
Watch YouTube videos of past meetings.
Before a Board Meeting: Read the upcoming Board Meeting Agenda. (Agendas are released 72 hours before the Board Meeting).
Know Rules/Decorum about speaking on Agenda and Non-Agenda items and how the public may request and speak on regular items and on the Consent Calendar.
Consent Calendar items are important contracts. Read contracts, scope of work. Consent calendar items usually voted on in one vote.
At the Board Meeting. When you arrive, find a printed Agenda. (You will need to read attachments before the meeting or on your phone or iPad).
Fill out a speaker card(s) for each item you will speak on. Give to staff. Keep comments to maximum 3 minutes. (Time may be reduced by Board president if there are many speakers).
Need more background information? On District website file a Public Records Request. Ask for staff, consultant emails, reports, invoices, meeting minutes, PowerPoints, handouts, textbooks, the kitchen sink! Keep a copy of request. (Should be answered in 10 working days, but District may ask for more time).
UPCOMING TOPIC: Uncovering District secrets: public records
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