Here are some options:
If you need to exit public school in California you may:
1. Enroll in private school.
2. Join a home school support group.
3. Start your own home school.
4. Hire a teacher(s), tutors.
What if I can’t decide on a private school or home school support group or afford either option?
Consider Option 3 and file a Private School Affidavit (PSA) with the California Department of Education (CDE) and form a private school.
By filing a PSA, California residents are legally able to exempt children from attending public school under the State’s compulsory education law. See Ed Code 48222.
State law requires private schools to file a PSA with the Supt. of Public Instruction annually. See Ed Code 33190.
Forming your own private school is legal. Your children are your students and now you are their teacher. You may not feel you are qualified to teach your children, but there are thousands of parents, even single parents, just like you who are fleeing public schools to begin a home school.
There are many resources and home school networks to support and encourage you, including Westside Store. ● Download PDF "Considering an Exit..."